Mundtlig eksamen, Engelsk A-niveau

Først kommer du ind i eksamenslokalet, hvor du skal trække en ukendt tekst. Den er på 3-5 normalsider. Med den ukendte tekst går du ind i forberedelseslokalet.


Du har knap 30 min. inde i forberedelsen. Her må du medbringe alle skriftlige hjælpemidler som fx dine noter fra undervisningen. Der ligger ordbøger derinde.
Du er også velkommen til at tage din egen computer med ind i forberedelseslokalet, men det gælder som eksamenssnyd at gå på internettet!!!


Eksaminationstiden er knap 30 min. I eksamenslokalet må du kun medbringe dit præsentationsmateriale (dvs din computer) samt noter taget i forberedelsestiden samt den ukendte tekst, som du har trukket. Det vil sige: Ikke noter fra undervisningen!

1. Del

Først skal du fremlægge det præsentationsmateriale, som du har forberedt hjemme til dit selvvalgte emne (på grundlag af din afleverede Synopsis), typisk en Powerpoint præsentation. Du skal have den parat på din egen bærbare computer, så vi ikke skal bruge tid på USB og projektor! Sørg for også at have din Powerpoint præsentation på papir, hvis nu al elektronik skulle bryde sammen…
Din præsentation skal vare ca 12 minutter , hvor der også skal være tid til, at jeg og evt censor stiller uddybende spørgsmål.

2. Del

I anden og sidste del af tiden (ca 12 min.) skal du redegøre for den ukendte tekst (som du har trukket ved lodtrækning) i en samtale med mig og evt censor.
Det er en god ide først at give et referat af teksten (husk at tage en tekstmarker med ind i forberedelsen til dette!), derefter skal du placere den indenfor en emnekreds og analysere den (alt efter hvilken slags tekst, det er) og til sidst sætte teksten i forbindelse med de relevante, læste tekster fra undervisningen dvs emnekredsen.

Andre ting:

- Kom i god tid, helst en halv time før du selv skal op.
- Du må ikke have mobiltelefon med ind i forberedelsen.
- Når du får den ukendte tekst udleveret efter lodtrækningen, så lad være med at give udtryk for, om ”den er god” eller ej. Hvis du bare forholder dig ”neutral” begår du ikke denne klassiske fejl.
- Husk selv at tage en Tekstmarker med til forberedelsen (til referat)
- Lad være med at blive nervøs over, at censor skriver noget ned, når du taler – censor skriver altså ikke kun fejl ned men i lige så høj grad ting, der er særlig gode.

(Don't) take my advice

Seven Simple Steps to Speaking Success.

Keep your answers as brief, uninformative and short as possible. The examiner is obviously tired and wants to get out of there as quickly as possible, so a simple 'yes', 'no' or 'don't know' will suffice.

It’s best to keep your voice at the same level and sound really bored with the whole experience Any attempt to vary your intonation or pitch will obviously be interpreted as a sign of enjoyment and you will be marked down accordingly

Try to forget that your partner is in the same room. Avoid eye contact at all costs and never ever use their real name or address them personally — you might risk involving them in the discussion and this could make you look bad. Go it alone! Almost as important is to ignore the examiners completely and forget they exist. Ignore all instructions. On no account should you speak to them, even if you don’t understand. Best to make a mistake and get the hell out of there as fast as you can. Save yourself.

Absolutely never make your answer relevant to the question in hand. You should move off the subject at the earliest opportunity and talk about something you do know — what do they expect after all? Failing that, repeat the same idea as often as is convenient, using the same words in a different order. If all else fails, keep quiet and try to look as small as possible. If you’re lucky, the examiner will forget that you’re there. Be invisible.

Obviously you need to try to disguise your voice as much as you can — this means that the examiner will find it difficult to hear your mistakes and, hey presto — a clean sheet! A good tactic is to speak in a whisper or to swallow your words. If you are unlucky and have a loud clear voice then try speaking very very fast so as to confuse your partner (see point 3 above) and make it impossible for the assessor to write anything down. Smart one!

Slip up
Another top tip is to give up immediately if you make a mistake early on. After all if you slip up in the first few minutes, the examiner is forced to ignore all the good stuff you come up with later. So why bother saying anything else? Best to clam up, keep mum and spend the rest of the exam worrying that the last three months of hard work have all been for nothing.

Last, but by no means least, panic! What else are you expected to do? It’s an exam and you’ve got no idea what to expect or how to deal with it. You’ve spent the last three months trying to ignore the whole thing in class and your teacher is hoping you’ll be sitting there like a nervous wreck, with your hands shaking and your voice all high and funny. If in doubt, sweat!